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Definition of Project Rating

Risk indicator of a Project, understood as a set of multidisciplinary subjects, which measures its degree of problematic nature. By risk we mean the set of "criticalities" that have a level of "severity" such as to be the object of attention in the mitigation process.

The Project Rating expresses a synthesis capable of representing the problems of the many components and sub-assemblies that make up the project, allowing for a simplification of the project complexities.


The Project Rating makes it possible to determine the risk index of the Project using an innovative methodological approach based on the assessment and analysis of the risks of the individual components of the Project.


The Project Rating has a fundamental importance for obtaining what are "good projects", understood as those capable of obtaining the greatest probability of success in all the project phases, from conception to their complete realization and management.


Its value can be detected within a scale between A and D, which measures the level of problems of the project subjected to the Rating.


The graphs used for the calculation of the Project Rating are two: the Quadrant Graph (Zone Graph), through which the balance between the two Evaluation Areas is calculated, and the Rating Graph, through which the Project Rating Index is calculated.


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