About us
CMAssociati STP a r.l. is a company of professionals with many years of experience in the management of construction projects, with multidisciplinary skills in the analysis, verification and control of public works and private investments.
CMAssociati STP a r.l is the evolution of Calabrò Massey e Associati made up of engineers with teaching and research positions at the Polytechnics of Turin and Milan.
The idea of the transformation from a Professional Association to a Company between Professionals was born to accompany the important and constant growth of the professional activity with a more suitable corporate structure in terms of number of Professionals, for internal organization and with its own assets.
Thus was born a unique professional structure in its field of application, the construction sector, able to offer a wide and complete range of qualified professional services, carried out by Professionals all registered in their own Professional Orders and specialized in the various disciplines that make up the complexity of public and private projects.
Specifically, the services offered, all related to project management, concern:
Technical-economic and financial sustainability
Risk analysis - Project Rating ©
Project verification and validation (ISO 17020/C)
For this purpose, the professional skills vary from the many aspects of design verification and construction site execution control, to the aspects of Architecture and Construction Engineering, to the verification and control of the economic and financial aspects of the BP Business Plans and Financial Statements civil law of the companies, to those of a legal nature of public procurement contracts, in particular the PPP and private contracts, up to taking charge of the administrative and accounting management of real estate assets.
In particular, the Project Rating ©, devised by Ing Fabrizio Calabrò Massey, is an innovative Project evaluation tool which makes it possible to ascertain the degree of criticality as a synthesis of the relationship between techno-qualitative and economic-financial aspects and is used to offer a better and more modern professional service to its customers.
The Project Rating © was born in 2000 as a procedural-document model in the sector of mobility infrastructures and Real Estate, its processes were defined in 2008 with the UNI 11453 standard "Guidelines for the financing procedure for le Costruzioni” and from 2010 to 2018 were subjected to experimentation by means of a technical-scientific Commission set up specifically for the purpose and made up of Experts from the Polytechnics of Turin and Milan, Orders of Engineers of Turin and Milan and UNI.